Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Now I normally love a snow day as much as anyone, but this is getting ridiculous! Today's snow day puts our last day of school at June 5. But way worse than that, my kids are missing their last dress rehearsal!!!! Since it's church night tomorrow, we won't have time to be in costume. We'll run the show with sound, lights, and props, and hopefully get done. Then, on Thursday after school, we'll have our last dress rehearsal, I'll let them go get something to eat, and then they'll come back to do the show. Not ideal, but they REALLY need another dress rehearsal. I'm just trying to breathe. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. Everything will be OK. If I say it enough, I'm sure I will start to believe it! :)

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