Saturday, February 9, 2008


Is it me, or are scrapbookers like a cult? Right now, the whole cafetorium (yes, that's what we call it) of my school is filled with women and their 80 pieces each of luggage all filled with scrapbooking stuff. I've never seen so much crafty crap in my whole life. The elementary teacher in me is drawn to it all, I must admit... all the stickers and ribbons and colored paper... but it's a little much. They're here from 9 in the morning until 9 at night! 12 hours of unbridled scrapbooking. I call them the Smug Marrieds (read Bridget Jones' Diary if you don't get it). They hate that. But I refuse to spend my Saturday with a bunch of married women scrapbooking their lives. What am I supposed to scrapbook exactly, my dog? How sad would that be? "Look... here is Avery sitting on the couch. Here is Avery running through the leaves. Here is Avery playing tug-of-war with the straps on my straitjacket!" I'm not going to say I haven't ever scrapbooked, and I'm not going to say that I won't scrapbook ever again, but if I start hanging with the Smug Marrieds every Friday or Saturday night at this point in my life, someone please just kill me!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. It is impossible to eat lunch at school with female coworkers due to the amount of time spent talking about scrapbooking. I thought I was the one who didn't get it because I am male. It is refreshing to think that someone else finds it eerie that these people are obsessed with having physical evidence of EVERY past moment in their life. Your word choice of cult is perfect.


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